Saturday, October 24, 2009
@ 11:43 AM
posting now for yesterday(was tired,sick)
okay, got some results back, as usual my amaths failed(expected, so its okay=D)
then got my physics back. not bad, but can be better. i learnt not to aim so high for my results in the future.. when u dont reach ur expectations, u let urself down. mr loh was neutral today. =)grats to azim & chen xin for their improvements.
english is good/not good? good to know that there are people to fail the english comprehension with me, but bad that i still failed? compo&letter, boring old same marks again. disappointed for my oral, i cant believe i actually scored higher for my chinese oral than english oral?? should be cos i didnt use enough bombastic words in my conversation..
chinese, my marks=kns. compo,expected to fail, but my paper2, failed by 0.5m..LOL. anyways, overall passed due to my oral & listening compre. Mdm weng(chinese teacher) encouraged me to do better next time..(thanks)
miss nora came in. this time was different, she wore a smile=) better for once, for a teacher who had a dull face throughout the year.. yea, poa got a1 again.. hard work during the days before exams paid off. i got a2 for geog elect! i was honest, my teacher counted the marks wrongly, and i owned up=) lost a mark, but still the same grade. felt great??<>/.
sj. felt useless again. yingjie called us to go help out. so ko, jionghong & me ran out from sj room, all the way outside school to under the bridge/flyover/wad ever its called. fount out i was weak, had no stamina. saw this elderly lady lying on the ground. didnt really know wad happened because she was speaking in hokkien. only knew she fainted, and something got to do with her grandson. heecheng & co. was there, with some other aunties too. couldnt do anything as she was fine, just lying on the ground ,exhausted. all we did was give her some water( so much for being an sjabian) paramedics/police came.. we left the scene.
went back to sjab.. lecture, quiz, blah. jiahui, weijia & others put in effort in preparing the slides/quiz etc. but ziming sir said there was no point since bfa was over.. we ncos next time really have to use or brains more=) juniors said they found out lectures more meaningful than boring old footdrill, which we were suppose to have plenty before the bfa exam. time wasted, nothing to do to change it.
i felt useless again. unable to work well with others, giving them proper instructions. maybe, i don't have what it takes to be a leader.
u guys made the wrong choice to have choose me back then,im sorry, i let everyone down.
need to remind everyone: since we become instructors, we should be doing even better than when we were cadets. anyways we didnt, we became worse i guess. felt sorry to my dearest cadets. made myself a fool infront of u guys. i didnt even know what i was doing out there. thanks for being concerned..
ko... everyone should understand him more. he will be leaving soon.. feels sad. thanks yingjie for the cake, btw i haven payed u back yet sry.
after nco camp.. passing our from sec4, i don't intend to come back anymore. i'll just make things worse, cos im just a useless piece of shit. those who read this post, its just to let you know how i felt yesterday, and most of sjab trainings. please don't give me encouraging/wadeva comments, im not worthy of them.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
@ 9:36 PM
hey everyone, would like to dedicate this post to all of my friends, just wanna say thanks, for making my birthday this year Special.
Special Thanks to: YingJie(Cake) Amira&Arshad(Wallet) Munn&Faridah(Birthday-Wish Notes) Friends(For Being there to wish me)
so... THANKS really=).
Monday, September 7, 2009
@ 9:12 PM
wah, my blog song is insanely irritating now.. just wanna say good job to all sjabians! BFA is finally over at last.
back to studies, didnt do well, got 4 underlines this time. but at least i scored well for chinese and humanities=)
maybe changing to onsugar. cos people say its nice. hmmm... will change if blogger is giving me crap.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
@ 12:36 PM
bloggggger!!!!!!! why do you have so many problems.. wanted to post this whole week but couldnt.. thx SHIRLY so much for the "singnet problem" suggestion..
21 August
took bus 14 earlier today.. saw quite alot of familiar faces but didnt say hi. im so antisocial =)
okay then went to class to slack for a moment.. as per normal, people were pcc-ing(play chinese chess) again..
lessons were boring. physics' relief teacher was here again.. boring shit. then came english, did a summary. then came chinese. woohoo! this period brightened up my whole day.. scored well in my chinese common class test. (cos my tianxiehanzi get full-marks)
class interaction today was rather interesting.. everyone was getting in the mood. haha, miss nora was once again sick of seeing us again for class period for 8 weeks due to h1n1.. i hope we can go to the hall next time round.
topic was on "difference in gender" and somehow in one part.. someone went to shout "weida very romantic"<-highlight to see (dun want to offend him,LoL.) for no reason! haha, at the end lizhong & nicholas had to apologise to him. afterwards miss nora showed us some slides from super funny la can.. "erection deck".."thunder crap"..many more.
after school... took keys, went for sjab. got into full u, did BFA.. i somehow found it easier than the mock test we did last week.. but i didnt do the sectionC that well. a little footdrill... bersurai. Congrats to all that has been promoted!! especially Jiahui! welcome to the NCO board!~ then got a feedback from edmund & ziming.. really sorry to my NCOs for not doing a good job in bringing everyone together.. and i hope everyone realises their mistakes too.
i know we can do this together.. is a matter of whether we are WILLING to do it. during the punishments, i could sense teamwork, cooperation, in all of us.. i never felt this wonderful feeling, ever since we became ncos. all became slacked, complacent. we are having conflicts.. wad for? like ziming said, we are only sec3, life is still long ahead of us. working as a team is not easy.. everyone has to play their part. i have to do my part, to lead, which i believe i can. if previous batches could do it, why not us? lets change for the better now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
@ 10:34 PM
7th august
had school ndp that day.. reached school at 6.15am, got changed, then more people started coming.
so falled in, tried out the sizing commands, not successful.
grabbed a pair of gloves and we were off for parade. slow-marched in with sg flag, then at the folding part was.. lol? err failed.
anyways, good job everyone! everything is over now, so dun bother about it anymore.
wore full-u throughout the day. haha class interaction was fun, cos we were makng those heart-shaped things..
went home, rested for a while, then met nathaniel, nabilah,shirlyn. took mrt to ION..
nice shops, but isnt that nice as i expected it to be a few months back. chatted, had some laughs.
*Something unusual* went we were on the mrt, we were using those long strips of paper to fold "stars". (those u can buy at pri sch bookshops) looked like a bunch a kids LOL..
so went to tm kopitiam, had dinner, then we were off..
trained to bedok myself, then met weijia & wanru on the way.. chatted with weijia to bus terminal for a while.
felt good to see her again.. =) 9th August
i suddenly remembered it was national day that morning.. loled. Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!~
slacked in the morning.. then went cycling again(afternoon)! with dad.. cycling now is like a Must-do every weekend now.
haha wenjun was so lucky(sjab junior) he got free tickets for the NDP parade. lol, he saw michelle.(having public duty)
so i tapaoed hongkong cafe from ecp.. watch the show on tv at home.
haha, i still cant forget about one part where our young singaporeans share with us on wad they want to become when they grow up. one of them was "when i grow up, i want to be the president of Singapore!" lol! mr S.R. Nathan giggled to himself at that moment.
awesome parade! go sjab contigent!
great fireworks, but very short, well the whole show was very short.. recession maybe..
anyways, i love SG forever!
10 August
woke up at 8am... stared into nothing for 1hr plus.. then realised i was late! lol.
rushed out of home, met nath ,shirlyn, nabilah & ronald. ronald wad insane, he brought KFC breakfast into the mrt platform sia, everyone tried to stand a little bit further from him lol. scared kena fined. anyways, its free food for us =)
weeeee~ went to vivocity, shopped at Daiso for a rubber ball.
then went to the pet store.. was fun looking at dogs. like omfg la, got one dog, so hungry until it ate its own faeces. poo poor dogggg..
so took the monorail/train/wadeva to sentosa island. *excited* they are like halfway done with building one of the rides of the upcoming UNIVERSAL STUDIOS.. awesome.. cant believe that its gonna be ready in singapore by next year.
alighted at beach station, then went to the beach... placed our bags on nabilah's "Cisco" mat.
so played ball & frisbee, ronald keep on try play stunt lol! then nathaniel got very pissed haha.
then went back to vivo after that.. poor ronald had to go to the hospital to visit his grandmother.. so we attempted to ask someone else to watch the movie with us lol. so one could/want to come, so ronald wasted his 10bucks cos we booked in advance.
watched "where got ghost, xia dao xiao" awesome movie.. too bad i got a migraine so didnt enjoy the movie. i would say 70% horror, 30% comedy.. rate 4/5. nice movie i would say..
so went candy empire, then walked around and went home after that.
had alot of fun... wish i can have carefree-outings like this more often.. sjab is adding load to my studies.. wish i could escape from reality for a while..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
@ 10:20 AM
REALLY super bored right now... and my stomachache is killing me la. bored bored bored. currently warming up some canned, clam cowder soup =)
wad should i do? study?Make first aid slides?Play comp? dunno laaaaaaaa.
i dun wanna be so involved in sjab so much now. need to socialise more in class.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
@ 9:48 PM
wah.................... so many upcoming events.. mt oral this friday, amaths retest next tues, english oral next wed.
oh, heard that maybe CCAs can resume next week? hope so. miss sjab too too much.
sry short post, gotta study for common test tmr bye.
"billie jean is not my lover"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
@ 10:43 PM
woo... another day of school. lol, after recess, nath & i went to the 2nd floor toilet. since the door closed, so he used force to kick the door open, unexpectedly, there was a fight in the toilet(dun wan elaborate) LOL,funny la... then they call us shoo shoo haha.
then during math kena scolded by mrs koh =.= talk too much lor.
noticed that my blogskin looks like crap on Internet explorer. but looked fine on Mozilla Firefox. anyway, problem fixed. but i still reccomend u people to use firefox. its faster & easier to use, trust me.
@ 12:00 AM
July 6th

had fun today!!! sorry lingang & people... suddenly remembered got outing so didnt meet wif u guys to do geog holiday hw..
went at TM to watch Ice Age 3...(non-3D) watched with murni,arshad,daoyi,weijia,amira,jionghong,wenjun.
on the way to bedok, lol. i saw wanru & matilda(didnt say hi) then on the train to tampines.. saw Beaumont! chatted for a while..
then met up wif jionghong at the TM's mac.. lol, he then told me there was a hokkaido food fare going on.. so took a little tour around the place. the foods looked really tempting.. but it was way over my budget la, so didnt buy anything.
so went back to mac.. had tropical orange flavour burst wadeva ice-cream. wlao, officially the worst flavoured ice-cream i had in my life. the syrup was so damn arteficial.. tasted like medicine.. bleh.
then wenjun & daoyi came.. wah, didnt expect wenjun to come.. plus he sick still come lol. poor thing.
then came amira,weijia,arshad,murni. haha, think its the first time or smth i went out wif munn.. she was fun anyways.
woo! queue for buying the tickets were INSANELY long.. but i and daoyi queued anyways.
then jionghong to the rescue!! he attempted to cut the queue lol, but he didnt noe he was actually queuing up for the "booking ticket collections" so he just queued all the way. then the personnel told him that he was in the wrong queue to buy tickets LOL. so he had guts la, he like cut the regular queue lol. then he kena lectured by someguy standing behind him or smth.. well, felt kinda guilty for it lol.
so went to century square to have our lunch at banquet first.. then amira kept asking arshad to wear his tie lol.
then went back TM to ToysRus... lol, played if spongebob & patrick soft toys. then jionghong & wenjun kept playing with the spongey-water shooter things.. so funny la.
so went in the movie theatre. oo.. had middle row seats. sat beside wenjun(gay partner) & weijia. well dunno why the commercial today was uber long la.. so waited and waited and waited.
then the movie finally started.. nice movie i guess. i rate it 4/5.. could have been MUCH MUCH better with 3D.. damn.
then after the movie, wejia gotta-go for BBQ, murni & jionghong off home, then wenjun went to see the doctor.
so me,daoyi,amira,arshad took a train to pasir ris.. we were planning to see the sunset(lame i noe, suggested by jionghong, AND he left halfway.. Zzz). lol, i thought of going to nathaniel's for fun.. but didnt go anyway. so off to pasir ris park.. chatted quite alot of our personal life & stuffs..
sat on some breakwater... then enjoyed the sound of waves.. chatted alot. didnt really enjoy the sunset cuz was blocked by the clouds.
then we tried to have "communication" with some random cat LOL. daoyi played his "meow meow" ringtone thing at the cat lol. haha, the cat did have a little reaction rofl!
then walked back all the way to pasir ris interchange. had dinner at mac(boring la can) then trained home.. on the way, i kept trying my best to do the "lady cross-leg" thing.. super hard la. too much fats on thighs, lol, then amira keep say "still got gap!' we are lame we noe. then amira keep taking pics of me & daoyi..
then rushed home to get my holiday assignments done with. dammit la. printer suddenly no ink, cannot print my geog assignment argh! wlao.. tmr sure die die liao.
i dunno why now i love my posts to be really detailed.. and im really trying to update a.o.a.p... okay off to bed now.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
@ 4:13 PM
okay time to update again.. gonna be quite a loooong post.. and i mean it.
June 25th
had elearning that day.. and i still find it as bullcrap as ever.
woohoo! postponed tuition and went out wif nathaniel & zhiwei. its been like half a year since i met zhiwei.. it was nice meeting him again... too bad shawn couldnt come.. next time we shall go for steamboat again.
so nath & zhiwei waited for me at bedok mrt platform. slightly nervous, cuz been a long time seeing zhiwei. then...Woah! zhiwei grew taller... hmmm about weida's height. and... he never failed to impress me wif his CHIMology.
then we talk about our school lifes.. zhiwei's was quite interesting, me and nath's were as boring as ever.
zhiwei told me how racist the people in his school were, eg. people would say "hey indian, come here!"
and zhiwei even told me some indian(or wadeva language) vulgarities.. paiseh cannot name any, cuz forget, but seriously they were insanely funny to shout..
then we went to Mos burger for dinner.. we all had chicken teriyaki burger meal.
after dinner, went to suntec in search of a new schoolbag.. but coudnt find one so we went on.. to... flyer!.. AGAIN.
cant believe i would go there twice in a single week. anyway, had fun chatting on our way there.
expected, there was no queue again. woohoo so we chionged in the cabin. that time the sun already set, so the view was NICEEE.. with the flashing lights surrounding the cabins, the experience was unforgettable.
took some photos together, sry u can view it on nath's blog or his FB.
after the ride, we went to Popeyes for a quick snack(my idea) i told them that the mash potatoes were made of REAL potatoes, unlike K*C, and it tastes heavenly.
so they went with it and bought in.. so i told the cashier to put the potatoes in seperate bags. so she stared at me for a moment, then started to take out three BIG PAPER BAGS, and put the small bowls of mashed potatoes in a bag each. i was trying to hold back my laughter. but i couldnt. then she placed the 3 BIG paper bags into one HUGE plastic bag. at this point of time, we were laughing our asses off.
so we went to the Yakult garden and sat on a bench to eat.. and they both agreed that it tasted awesome. then we walked all the way back to cityhall and said goodbye..
had a great time catching up wif zhiwei today.. hope to meet up again wif him soon.
then that night, i was so uber depressed la.. i found out that the king of pop a.k.a MICHAEL JACKSON had passed away of cardiac arrest. omg why did he had to die so early, he was wronged his whole life, of being a pedo, bleaching his skin. comeon, fuck the Press. now he is gone, i hope u haters are happy.
anyway, RIP michael. will never forget you.
June 26th
forgot wad i did on that day, just remembered that sjab training was cancelled.. boohoo!
June 27th
FDI(footdrillinstructor) course exam!!! met weida 8.30am at bedok inter phone booth. trained to sjab HQ..
walao, uber scared cuz i didnt practice much for MOI(methodofinstruction) saw darrick.. lol, he was early for the first time. then came sebastian.
changed from half-u to full-u.. then met jastine,claudia,kalyn at carpark.(sjab peeps) so found out that mabelline(no offence,dunno how spell) & joshua wont be coming down.. sad.
okay then Zone Sergeant Major Edmund came down, so did ZiPeng Sir.
first up was words of command.. holy crap! didnt shout in ages. got a 5 min warmup... so shouted like some goondo.
then the test begun.. it goes like this, edmund or zipeng will show you the command in english, then you will have to translate it into malay and shout.
it was scary at first, but soon calmed down after a while.
first command i got to shout "hormat ke-hadapan hormat".. piece of cake. then came down to the most F*cked up command. "orang yang di sebelah kanan diam, nombor ganjil ke-kanan,nombor ganap ke-kiri,barisan,ke-kanan dan ke-kiri, PUSING"
cant believe i was so unlucky to get chosen to shout a command i didnt shout before. (weida was suppose to shout that command too, but he forgot wad it is in malay, so he didnt shout it) overall, i didnt do so well for it.
then came theory exam.. i thought it was be chicken feet. so didnt study at all for it.
at the end alot of the questions i couldnt answer. then one question got me stunned.
"The colour party is made up of _____ & _____." i didnt noe was the answer was at ALL.
so i answer"black & white" turned out i was SO SO wrong, cos it didnt even involve colours. EPIC fail ..
then came MOI omg, freaking scared la. first up was darrick. he had to teach "ke-kanan lurus" i felt that he did a great job, confidence was definitely there, even though he remembered wad he had to say..
then came my turn.. had to teach"sedia,senangdiri" u may think its easy, but i find it on par with kekanan lurus. mumbled here and there sometimes. did okay only... then came claudia,jastine,kalyn(forgot the order) they did quite well too.
one thing i just cant resist... laughing.
their MOIs were seriously insanely funny la. especially Sebastian's. well, the only thing i kept laughing at is his angmor accent.. its cute/funny.
once he said "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!?" and i couldnt bear but to laugh like mad. Imagine that with a funny accent!! super funny can.
okay, then at the end, everyone would always say" i shall take my leave now" LOL, u wont find it funny when im saying this.
oo, weida felt sick all of a sudden so he didnt take his MOI and went home.. too bad he has to take it on some other day.
then had lunch, then had second MOI.. then theory retest. dun wan to elaborate anymore. getting boring for you guys to read.
June 28
rushed some homework... prepared for school tmr. boringgggggggggggggggg.
then went out wif mum to marine parade for dinner that night. then chionged to parkway to get a haircut at QB...
June 29
wow, school holidays are over before we know it.. then was reminded of how hot our classroom was.
lots of schoolwork to catch up wif. miss loy gone, mr tan in for amaths. new timetable, now 1 extra day of a maths boohoo...
then recess!! omg la can, wild wild west suddenly sell JAP food, queue damn long. so tried it out once, give the new food a try. had teriyaki chicken rice. standards not up to my expectations.. so didnt buy it for the rest of the week.. but keep hearing people saying that its nice, comeon people, can you freaking taste wad the hell u are eating?
felt good to see classmates, teachers, sjabians again.
June 30th
normal school day.. sweating in class.. bull.
July 1st
yeah, start of a new month. reminds me about sjab day, zonecomp,harrypotter, and much more things to do.
yea, celebrated jx birthday at school. nabilah asked me to act "treating" her. but didnt noe how to act lol.. sry.
July 2nd
normal school day i guess... rushed some hw after school.
July 3rd
be yourself day... got to wear something since ms nora is paying for us.. didnt noe wad to wear, so grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans then went out.
woah, saw darlene on the way to school, lol, didnt see her for the week since she was on quarantine.
met kelvin on the way to class.. then we chatted and chatted. then saw amira & arshad at the hallway. both wore something new O.o, damn, i need to get some new clothes already.
the something happened!! damn Suay can. i stepped on poop. Yes, SHIT. walked into class without knowing.. then someone smelt something.. then i looked under my left shoe.. "walao eh, i stepped on shit!'
then chionged toilet wash.. had to wash a few times before the stench was gone.. went back class and everyone was laughing. lol, i too find it funny, when i shouldnt be laughing at it. spammed deo-spray.
then during temperature taking.. thermometer took like more than 5mins to beep, plus was blinking at the 37.5C.. 0.1degree more to kena send down. walao damn scared la, cos dun wan go G.O.
anyway, got to see wad people were wearing. HO JIN XIAN! omg la, wad he wore was like super outstanding lor. fedora hat, recoil collar tee, black+white skinnies.tie? forget if have. but the nice thing was everything was in black and white.(except his shoelaces) overall looked great.
normal lessons.. then class interaction period had "don't forget the lyrics".. quite okay la.
4th July
omg super excited la can, got free tickets to go to NDP rehersal as spectators, too bad only 5 sjab people from my batch get to go argh. so me,weijia,daoyi,jionghong,amira went.
chatted wif amira since i was super bored.. then we met up at bedok mac at 4pm sry guys, late again...
lol, amira wore her shirt. it wrote"KPS" err forget wad school it meant, then jionghong & me keep on saying "Kaopei secondary" roflolmao...
took MRT to cityhall like michelle told us to. on the way there. weijia & mira keep whispering to themselves, laughing at us guys lol, damn bad la walao, like we did something wrong.
i thought we would be late la.. then at the end is mich late. went to some stairs and chilled.. then me & amira,weijia keep faking on where mich was, by pointing in the crowd and saying "there she is" damn lame la can.
then i keep on playing lor, but i didnt noe that mich was already in front of me LOL. how dumb was i.
waited for yingjie.. so fun.. we keep make fun of how short is she lol, very bad i noe.
as we left, saw mingjie & davin sir. then went to look for peixuan ma'am at esplanade bus-stop.. lol, saw haokiet & some other guy. then saw suzzane & jianqiang, and other peirce peeps.
while waiting, SOMEONE keep on badmouth people sia.. lol, so bad sia. shouldnt do that too often. will make trouble someday.. then came jiaxian & claudia. we didnt meet after that..
then off to floating platform!! soo excited.. queued up for temperature taking. followed by receiveing the goodie bags! lol, cant believe amira can remember wad colour all of us took.
then had to go up a long flight of stairs.. so hot la, but reminded me of SYF last year.. awesome experience we had then.
we were at the darkgreen sector.. then sat beside weijia & daoyi. then watch the great performance.. lol, marchpass was cool... fireworks, nice. but, all those guest of honors were fake sia.. still wan us to rise to welcome them? pui arh! wait long long.
weijia was so hyper the whole time, kept me pretty entertained haha, daoyi.. was daogey! then jionghong, wah lots of rubbish to say lol! amira,misses someone i guess.
then as the show ended, took some group photos and we were off.
on the way out, the NDP crew kept waving goodbye to us lol, can see that they were enjoying themselves.
then went to marina square for dinner.. we tapao-ed KFC and went under some escalators and sat down to eat, since there wasnt any seats in the restaurant.. then chatted about STUFF.. sry cannot reveal on blog.
after that trained to bedok.. and went home. great experience which i hope to have again in the future.
5th July
boring day... had to rush homework & stuff. then kena spam by wenjun say wan me go parkway wif him.. walao eh. then had tuition and went to ECP wif mum for dinner. saw this poor little boy.. he lost his parents and was crying to some drink stall auntie. haha, but found them in the end.
facebooked, chatted wif amira & nath for a while, then here i am updating... dammit sia, tmr dun feel like going watch movie. need to complete my holiday assignments, which was due days ago.
sorry pics. Btw, if u read up to this point of my post, u have NO LIFE. haha, just jk.