Thursday, January 29, 2009
@ 9:38 PM
today was fun, but was kinda upset about how badly i did for EL common test... scored 5/15... on the brighter side, more than half the class failed the test too.
Ms Loy made us stay back after school till 4plus to do file-ing.. we were bored, went to the class balcony, looked down and saw the NCCs doing footdrill. so some of us shouted at them for fun. some of us even shouted vulgarities.
end up 2 NCC guys came to our class to confront us... "eh NaB*& CH@* By* Ka%iNa*b&!" shout shout shout, bang whiteboard bang door bang table bang bang bang... push here push there, at the end, shake shake hand, say sorry to each other. WTF?
k... then did chinese compo, pangseh lebrone say go toilet, but actually go home liao ahah. okay... got sjab tmr again really dun feel like going. just wanna go home early on friday for once..
Nathaniel- huh? how did i make u miss the eclipse? aMira- dunno lei... the dog siao siao one. Pig- tissue man? ee. next time sell u one pc 10cent.
Okay got to rush maths hw bye~
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
@ 10:00 PM
went to uncle's house to watch lion/dragon dance again.. kind boring. cos i get to see it every year.. plus its freakin noisy.
then went to cousin yong peng's house. we discussed how lousy the "JiaXiangMian" commercial was..
and then started to gamble. Woooo! first time got to play Mahjong... and found out it wasnt that difficult to play afterall.. ahahahahah.. my uncle kept telling my auntie " aiyo...dun play smelly la!" try translating that in chinese and u will know y its funny.
played till the around 7, went uncle Ng's house, ate buffet, prata with curry, then papa drove me and sis home.
life kinda sux now.. cos parents are getting a divorce sooner or later.. and life would be a total mess.
OK.. got school tmr. gonna tuck in soon byebye.
Monday, January 26, 2009
@ 12:17 AM
went to my uncle's house today for a renunion dinner. great food, had an awesome time there. slacked and watched tv. play cards for a while, played with my cousin's dog.

 MINI!!! thats the name of the dog. fun to play with, but barks at me sometimes for no reason.... got to go, bye.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
@ 1:53 PM
went out with leb yesterday. met up at around 8pm cos leb had church. went bugis to get some new year clothes yea..
ate pastamania.
 Meet the "Wannabe emo person" muahahahah... i didnt delete it afterall.
couldnt find stuff we were looking for, so walked, and walked, and walked. leb kept saying "take your time la, not so early close one" then BAM! heard the first stall slamming their shutters down. leb and i were WTFed. rushed, bought our stuff, and made the last train home... hmmm.... feel like blogging more often nowadays. okay bye bye.
Friday, January 23, 2009
@ 11:43 PM
very long never post liao... AGAIN...(this post is for nath) cant help it lei. too lazy to post and sometimes also nothing to post.
school so far went pretty smooth, but im dying in A math le... cos of that ms loy, cant stand her bodo! aiya dun wan say her liao la u all should noe...
i seriously suck at touch rugby... or u can say i suck at sports. well i aint called fat-son for nothing =D
okay forget about that. Wahbiang! how our class win the mascot competition sia? looks unattractive yet can win 1st place wor...
after school went out with nat,leb,weida,beaumont to roxy square food court for steamboat(again)

okay gotta go bye bye~ oh and btw Happy CNY!