Sunday, February 15, 2009
@ 10:27 PM
very long nvr update le... weijia/weida told me to do this quiz.
1: Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? cheeks bah? 2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning? i need more sleep. 3: Who was the last person you took a photo with? cant remember. 4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? not really. 5: Would you ever donate blood? if i were bored. 6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? nah. 7: Do you want someone dead? im not so evil.. 8:What does your last text message say? Can call me mah? 9:What are you thinking of right now? someone. 10: Do you wish someone was with you right now? yes. 11: What time did you go to sleep last night? 2plus. 12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now? think at bossini. 13: Is someone on your mind right now? yes. 14: Who was the last person to text you? Nathaniel.
10 PEOPLE TAGGED TO DO THIS QUIZ: 1. nathaniel 2. shiling 3. amira 4. lynyi 5. lebrone 6. beaumont 7. wenjian 8. ronald 9. jinxian 10. sweesoon (don't care whether u want to do it.)
15: Who is 2 having a relationship with? not sure, jkjk. 16: Is 3 a male or a female? female. 17: If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing? Gay sia... 18: What is Number 1 studying about? SMRT & SBS buses. 19: When was the last time you had a chat with them? yesterday? 20: Is Number 4 single? ya. 21: Say something about Number 2. she loves social studies =P 22: What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together? ahahah... 23: Describe Number 9 annoying, but good friend of mine. 24: What will you do if Number 6 and 7 fight? be shocked. 25: Do you like Number 8? as a friend.
okay bye....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
@ 10:40 PM
got back my chem test results... 9/30. thats wad u get for not studying at ALL..
oh yea. also got back my chinese CT papers.. scored 26/50... yep i passed, but i knew i could do better than that if i could work harder..
TARGETS FOR THIS YEAR -work harder so that i can beat weida during midyear exams(he bet 5bucks he would do better than me) -slim down(duhduh) -grow taller -save up more $
OMFG... sec1s are coming in to SJAB tomoro. heard from shiling that we have 16recruits.. not bad for a start. but i afraid ppl will quit after the march camp(if there is one) due to its high standards and its hell-ish-ness.. oh well, wish all the best for tmr. hope there's full attendance.
oh wait... passing-out-ceremony(poc)will take away my whole saturday... the worst thing is i havent even bought/thought of my retro clothes for theme.. gosh... sjab can be very tiring sometimes.
okay gonna read my teenage mag now.. nitey nite~
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
@ 8:33 PM
today, weida got sabo-ed and became the new math Rep.. bwahahahaha. slept in class today during physics.. cant believe mr loh allows us to sleep during his class.. thats awesome.
went off after A math... there was Topaz house training.. but i wasnt even sure whether my name was in the list of competitors. so didnt go afterall.
went home, got changed and went to ECP.. brought my frisbee along and a boomerang i bought few months ago.. which i didnt have a chance to try it out yet.
met up with ronald, beaumont, lynyi and valerie. played with sand, enjoyed the breeze....
funfunfun until.. tossed my boomerang in the direction of the sea, thinking that it will come back to me, but instead it went the totally wrong way. then i suddenly remembered. it says on the boomerang "DOES NOT FLOAT" OPPSIES. its gone forever!!!! ok thats just sad...
okay... nvm about that. went to eat. thought ronald was treating us... at the end, threatened me with my KOPITIAM card(blue) for 2dollars wtf? ahahah.
then went through val's condo on the way home.
 beanmont working out? LOL-ness.......
went home after that... okay got to sleep now bye~
Monday, February 2, 2009
@ 10:01 PM
31 jan
met up wif sjab ppl to celebrate our passing of BNCO!!! wooo! damn happy sia. cant believe everyone who went passed... our years of torture will soon come to an end... but i cant bear the sec 4s to leave us...
Okay nvm, back to the outing. met up with weijia,weida,jionghong,amira,luke,ko at bedok inter phone booth as usual, then went on our way to MRT station. we were actually planning to go to bugis to shop, but we suddenly we remembered that there was the 小娘惹 event thingy, so went to suntec instead.

then went we reached suntec, went to search for the event... there were already alot of ppl queueing up to get their autograph and stuff... so went to KFC for lunch, then went to arcade for a while... then bought bubble tea and went off...
went we were on our way to the MRT station, we pangseh-ed amira & ko... then ko wasnt happy and attempted to trip weijia.. at the end, she really fell omg. of the details at weijia's blog...
then went home. had lots of fun today...
1 feb
went out with nath to Junction 8 mall... just planning to meet up to pass him my POA notes. did our homework, ate and played some arcade, then went home.
lesson as usual... yea. we got to get bak wif our old classmates for a while. but got seperated again in like 5minutes wthla.
then after school planned to watch the wedding game movie thing... but decided not to go cos it was too late... went to bedok mac to slack then went home.
p.s. hate waking up early in the morning everyday...